Modbus RTU to BACnet/IP Converter

The 460MMBS moves data between a group of Modbus RTU Slave devices and a BACnet/IP enabled Building Automation System (BAS). There are thousands of Modbus RTU sensors and actuators which are commonly used in building systems. These devices include temperature sensors, power meters, air handlers, drives, flow meters and other sensors of every type imaginable.

With the 460MMBS you have a device that you can quickly deploy and easily configure to access and integrate these devices into Building Automation Systems.


  • User Selectable RS-422 or RS-485
  • RS-485 User Selectable 2 or 4-Wire Operation
  • Intelligent Control of RS-485 Transmitter and Receiver
  • Td and Rd LED
  • DTE/DCE Compatible
  • Data Rates up to 64k BPS
  • Connects to Standard PC Compatible 25 Pin RS-232 Port


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